
Our Affiliation

Our Affiliation HeaderKentucky Christian University is a private university with a Board of 受托人 from a fellowship of independent congregations known as 教堂 of Christ Christian 教堂. Because these independent congregations claim no creed or statement of faith except for the Scriptures, 和 because no denominational headquarters establishes a doctrinal position for the Kentucky Christian University, the Board of 受托人 has resolved that the Kentucky Christian University will abide by only a belief 和 a general statement based on those teachings of Scripture which are clearly taught 和 universally embraced by these independent congregations.


  • – That God is not only the omnipotent, omniscient 和 omnipresent Creator of the universe, but also the loving Father, Provider of all life, 和 righteous Judge.
  • 《网赌最好最大平台》 – The Bible is God’s divinely inspired revelation to man. These Holy Scriptures are not to be added to, nor subtracted from, by anyone.
  • 耶稣 – Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, who came to earth in the fullness of time, as Savior 和 as Messiah. This same Jesus is recognized as the only begotten Son of God, born of the virgin Mary, crucified on the cross after a sinless life on earth, raised bodily as Lord from the tomb, ascended into heaven as King of Kings, 和 is coming again to reclaim those who are His own.
  • 教会 – The Church is the divine institution by which God has provided for the preaching of the Gospel 和 the salvation of the world. 这个教堂, the Body of Christ, has divinely given ordinances, which are Christian baptism, the immersion of the penitent believer for the remission of sins, 和 the gift of the Holy Spirit; 和 the Lord’s Supper, observed weekly in the remembrance of Him.
  • 团结 – The unity of all followers of Christ can be realized on the basis of a return to the primitive pattern for Church doctrine in practice, 在政体, 和 in life as seen in the New Testament. The founders of the Kentucky Christian University, as well as the current Board of 受托人 和 administrative leadership, were 和 are keenly aware of the many issues, which have divided 和 continue to divide Christian 教堂. As a Kentucky Christian University, we believe it is ill advised to contribute to division 和 disunity by aligning ourselves, on the basis of opinion, with any party or sect. 而, in the spirit of the first century Church 和 many early Christian reformers, we choose to be non-sectarian. It is required that full-time faculty members adhere to these teachings 和 principles 和 seek to inculcate them into the lives of their students. 此外, each student is expected to attain the goals of Christian character 和 conduct which are implied in these teachings. 为此目的, Kentucky Christian University requires that every c和idate for the Baccalaureate degree complete a core of biblical studies classes.


“Thank you so much, Dr. Brickey! I was well prepared, both educationally 和 most importantly, spiritually. I will forever remember this experience. I pray I can continue to make Yancey School of Nursing proud as I practice my career.”

Nephtalie Fleur, Class of 2022

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